Treatment by a Highly Trained Professional

In many states including California, acupuncturists are considered independent or primary care providers. This responsibility requires extensive training. As a Pacific College graduate, Susan Jakary has received such training by completing a state-approved, nationally accredited Master of science degree program in Oriental medicine (which includes Chinese herbal medicine). The program includes extensive biomedical and clinical training as well.

The following provides a summary of the Pacific College curriculum:

  • Oriental Medical Theory — 546 hours

  • Treatment Tecnique and Theory — 378 hours

  • Western Biomedicine — 721 hours

  • Personal Development — 259 hours

  • Clinical Training — 1032 hours

  • Herbal Medicine — 413 hours

This curriculum comprises over 3,000 hours of in-class or clinical training. As you might expect, Susan studied Oriental medicine extensively. However, she was also responsible for Western biomedicine courses. The following is an abbreviated list of the many courses completed:




Orthopedic and Neurological

Physical Exam

Clinical Science


Clinical Counseling

Clinical Research and Design



Diagnosis and Evaluation

Tai Qi and Qi Gong